The Basic B: SEO, Storytelling, & Social Proof

Storytelling & Branding as an Artist & Mom w/ Rubeena Ianigro

Brittany Herzberg, Rubeena Ianigro Episode 86

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Storytelling doesn’t just happen with words—it can happen through other artistic mediums. For Rubeena Ianigro, card making & enamel pins have been some of those creations.

I remember meeting Rubeena way back in 2019! We hadn’t caught up in about 5 years *gasp*

Tune in to hear how inner work, creativity, & listening to her intuition has been deeply impactful for Rubeena to build the life & business of her dreams—while being a mom and taking care of herself. It’s beyond inspirational!

Connect w/ Rubeena:
The Gray Muse

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Hello Audio (15% off w/ code: BASICB)
Legal templates ($50 off w/ code: BASICB)
Book of the Mo. Club

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Foreign. Welcome back to the Basic Bee podcast. I am so happy you're here and I'm even. I'm sorry, but a little bit happier that I've got my friend Rubina here today. We're going to be talking about storytelling and building a brand as an artist and a mother. Obviously, that's not me. We're talking about Rubina here. So before I bring her on, I'm going to introduce you to her. Rubina is a South Asian artist and visionary, mother of two girls, creator at heart, beauty seeker and impactful muse. She is the founder and creative director of the Gray Muse and the Aura Market e commerce brands featuring some of the highest quality gift products like enamel pins, keychains, notepads, stickers, and other stationary products. And I have to say, I've been in Rabina's world for a while. I have one of her, like, oldest pins. I'm going to show it. Maybe we'll see if this video ever makes it out into the world. But it's been really cool to watch her evolution and I'm excited to talk about that today. Hi. Hi, Rubina. Hi. Thank you so much for having me. Oh, my gosh. Thank you for saying yes. It feels like a conversation that's been a long time coming. Yes. Okay, so I always kick off the interviews with one question. You can't mess it up. There's no wrong answer. Are you ready? Oh, good. Like you didn't tell me about this. All right, so the question is, what do you think is the most impactful for sales, SEO storytelling or social proof storytelling? Say more. That's what would help you connect with someone. I personally, when I read things from other people, whatever resonates emotionally or something that I can find myself in that story, it draws me in. So that's how I found most of my people, is they're sharing their experiences, their day to day or something from their journey. And that's what I do. Also, when I built to great use, that's what I talked about like as a mom, what I was doing, what I was sharing. And that's how I was able to build it in the beginning. And a lot of people do reach out to me and tell me that, oh, I'm so glad I saw that you have kids, that you do this in your home office. And it's just been so nice to connect with people in that way. Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I feel like the people I connect the most with are the ones that I want to work with or collaborate with in Some way. So could not agree more. Like I said at the beginning of this, I have definitely seen at least quite a bit of your journey. I'm not sure if I've seen all of it, but will you tell us what your business, you know, how that journey has unfolded? It was very accidental. I didn't have a lot of expectations, and I'm kind of glad for that experience. I feel like part of it was luck, opportunity, timing, and just preparation, because a lot of the skills I had built came from being a card maker for, like, four or five years. That was like the one hobby that I kept. Usually I'm very Gemini, so I jump from one thing to another. It's a running joke in my family. Like, Robina never finishes anything or she's interested in something new, it's not going to last. And with card making, because there was so much to learn, I'm a Gemini, so I think that kept me interested in that. What I didn't realize what was happening at that time was Instagram was new. I think it came out in 2012. And I started as a card maker in 2014. And I knew from the start that I wanted to, like, share my cards. It was like a way to visually share what you were doing in your art. And by the way, I hadn't done art all my life. I was curious about it and interested, but my parents didn't really value it. I'm immigrant. You know, we came here in 89 and we were very poor, so my parents just wanted me to get straight A's. I was valedictorian in high school. I have three higher education degrees. So, like, that for them was like, oh, my God, you're successful. First of all, could not find a job with any of those degrees. That's for another story. So when card making came along, I kind of had to learn to ignore them because I was starting to stock up on stamps and ink pads and markers, and they're like, what are you doing? Whatever money I had, whatever gift cards people used to give me, I used to just shop for craft supplies. And because of Instagram, I started to learn how to take photographs, write captions, you know, do stories. Back then, the algorithm was amazing. You could see everyone's posts. People were blogging at that time, so I learned that as well. I didn't really learn SEO, but I think it just came naturally. Like, you know, you would write a title like this. So. Yeah. And one of the things I'll mention is I'm a 2,4 splenic manifester and the 2 line just has natural gifts. So I. I feel like I found a channel which I could discover those gifts and other people call them out in me. And I. I found people like other card makers. Then I realized, ooh, I wanted to get noticed by the stamp company so you could design for them. You get free product. So I spent four years doing that. I bought props to take really nice photos of cards. Like, it was just. Some people would just take basic photos. I was like. I would go all out. I would get, like, green leaves and, like, colors and, like, match things. So I've developed a lot of skills. What I realized through that journey was I'm spending a lot of money, and I'm not making anything. But I took the time, you know, I. I did it for fun. It was a way to channel things. But I learned about myself through that journey, and I think that eventually led to other hobbies. Like, I got into watercoloring. I wanted to do embroidery and then learn. I don't have the patience. I don't know how people do it. I like fast things, you know, like cards. I used to make, like, 20 or 30 in a week, and people are like, how'd you do it? So I would get noticed in every industry eventually because I would find the most efficient way to create the most that would get me noticed. One of the card makers was collecting pins. I had never collected pins before that, and I was so fascinated by these things. And I collected a hundred pins in one month and realized through that experience, like, I go all in. I go into, like, huge sprints when I get into something. That's why my family thinks I'm crazy, But I think that's what makes me who I am. So I bought a hundred pins. They were, like, about my introversion books, like, cats, all the things I loved. And I realized, oh, there are no pins for card makers. It was timing, because before that, I wouldn't have thought to make pins. And she was the only one in the entire industry that was a pin collector. And in my head, I was like, cool, let's create pins for this market that doesn't collect pins. I'll make it for her and me, and that's it. And by the way, I had never designed anything in my life before that. So then I got to work. I got an opportunity to design a stamp set for someone. By that time, I had already been on, like, top design teams within the industry and then realized I didn't like anyone telling me what to do and when to do it. And when it was due and how to write it and how to photograph. Everyone else thought I was crazy in the industry because that's what they wanted. They wanted all the free product, they wanted the recognition. And what I came face to face with was I want freedom in my creativity. But I wouldn't have discovered that if I hadn't been on that journey, because I hadn't created before. So I didn't know. So I. I had to go through the journey of, like, wanting validation, wanting community, wanting to get noticed, wanting to feel included. And then eventually I was like, yeah, that's. That's not it. Like, that's cool, but this is not going to last, you know? So I discovered a lot about myself, my values, what I liked, what I didn't like. But I was so grateful for the experience, for the people, for the community. And so when these opportunities came, they all came within a few months, where it was like she was collecting. It was like the summer of 2018, and then September 2018, the whole month I was collecting pins and then waiting for them to be, like, shipped in. And then by October, had the downloads for, like, the ideas for the pins. Because at first I was like, I don't know what I'm gonna design. Then I was like, let's keep it simple. And I launched by March 2019, so within like, six, seven months. But it just came in pieces to me. And then I talked to my brother about it. He's like, just go do it. You keep talking about, like, you can do it. And I'm usually a go getter. So I was like, let me just try it. So I started with five very simple pins. They were like, you know, a rectangle with the text in it. And I was just so excited because it was new. I was like, I may make money from this. I don't know. Like, even if my just my friends bought it, I was expecting, like, five to 10 people to order, because I was like, whatever. I made this for myself. And I was still. At that time, I. I had my daughter in 2018. She was a couple months old. So I had quit social work as a job, and my intention was to go back. So I was still applying for jobs. So this wasn't like, oh, I'm gonna become a business owner. That was never the intention. It was like, I just want to put something out there. It's so fun to create something. I created something simple, and if this is it, that's fine. Like, I'll go back to social work. I'm happy with that. And Then I launched in March 2019. I still remember. My family are very close. My brother, he was very successful as an Amazon business owner. So I was nervous. He was, like, very excited for me. My mom, like, everyone's gathered. Saturdays, it's family days. I always do, like, 9am on a Saturday at that time. Like, every time I launch, it was always 9am Saturday. Cause it's easy for me. I'm early riser. I just list it. And that weekend, two pins sold out, out of the five. And I made close to 5,000. Wow. But here's the kicker. So it was March 9th, and then by the end of the month, I had done 10,000. Oh, my gosh. Because I. I did a quick reorder. They came in within two weeks. I listed it. And so whoever had wanted the stuff that sold out. So I was the social worker making 58,000 before. So my paychecks used to be, like, 1700 every two weeks after taxes. So I lived paycheck to paycheck. Yeah. So when that happened, my brother was first of all, he's like, what? That's how I started. That is absolutely wild. Okay. Do you remember the first five, what they said? Yeah, it was like, happiness is handmade. I forget the other quote. One of them was like a little card with flowers on it. Because I used to love doing flower cards, watercoloring them, and I made them dimensional so they weren't like normal cards. I always wanted to be different. They had so much texture on them that you couldn't, like, put them in a regular envelope. You would have to put in a box. I still have them because I've saved, like, some of my favorite, but I've made hundreds of cards, over a thousand, so I gave them all away. And then the two other ones were ink swatches and ink pads, like the ink pad organizer, because it represented. A lot of us love to organize our ink pad colors and then label them and then by color scheme. And it was just like, the thing that I knew card makers understood. So I wanted to appeal to those little details. And that's what I didn't realize when I was starting with the Great Muse was it was about those little things that we love, like, that our people would understand. Like, yeah, I love ink swatches. Like, one of the quotes I have is, like, buying and using art supplies are two different hobbies. And sometimes I think organizing should be in there as well. Like, the top crafters and card makers and artists who get noticed are, like, noticed for, like, their organization skills and, like, their Supplies. Because it's. What is it, like the ASMR videos? It's just that that dopamine hit. Oh, my gosh, I love that. Okay, so one that I have that I've carried around, I can't even remember how long, but I want you to tell me if you remember, which I'm sure you will like the year that you did it. Is it I Am Enough? It is, yeah. That was the second release. Was it? Okay, so I was curious because I'm like, having heard you talk more and more about the business, I'm like, I wonder how early I found you. April 2019. So basically a month after. It could have been a couple months after, but I, I, I still had that pin in the first six months. Yeah, that makes sense. So I've moved a lot, and then also with my businesses, they've been in different offices because I was a massage therapist and now I work from home. So I've had various offices. But I remember where I was. I was in Cary, North Carolina, in a yoga studio when I had this. And that was part of why I ended up getting the pins, not so much to collect them, because I had this tiny little table, the side table, that people could, you know, put a water bottle down or a purse or phone or whatever. And so I had some of the sayings that were on that table, but this one I have kept with me in my, like, bathroom bag. So I always have access to it because it's just. I mean, I am enough. Like, that is one thing that I need to tell myself over and over again. Oh, thank you. See, at that time, that was the style I had. It was like, for me, that was, like, basic, simple. Like, I was like, let me just get started. My style has completely evolved since then, but I'm so glad I took that leap, that trusted myself, and I just kept going and wasn't thinking about how I needed to be perfect or I needed to be a better artist. Yeah, that's a hard lesson to learn, But I feel like it's such a crucial one. And I call myself, like, a recovering perfectionist, because I do think I've always had that, like, go for it, try it type of energy. But I think it was squashed for so long that I didn't tap into it until I was, like, 20, 21 years old. And then I was like, okay, like, let's try this again. And it's paid off every single time. So it builds that confidence up in you. Yeah. I mean, the programming I received from my dad and it makes sense because he was tough on us because he wanted us to make as few mistakes as possible. And like so he would always say things like think things through. Like it was especially on me because I was very impulsive. Like I just wanted to do something or like go after something or just blurt out something. But it makes sense. I'm a manifester, I'm go getter. So he would say things like that. Think before you speak, think before you do anything. Like take your time. And I'm like now it makes sense in retrospect because I'm splenic and we just know and like I'm sure he's probably emotional or has a different authority and it makes sense for him. But it's, you know, it took me at least like 30 years to realize like that was why some of the pins I have. It's like it's okay to make mistakes. It's not a mistake if I'm learning because I had to take that power back for myself and decide for myself. Like if I make a mistake, it's for me to learn. I can't be perfect and I can't always know how it's going to go. So in my head I used to say stop it dad, just stop it. Just let me do whatever I want. It's going to work out, it's going to be fine. Really had to reparent myself. Oh yeah, same. And I don't know so much for me that it was things I actually heard. It was more like behaviors I saw and what my coping mechanism and self protection mechanism turned out to be. I feel like I'll constantly be learning and like reparenting and unlearning and you know, rewriting all those stories and things because it's so in you especially like from being a child and it's such a big life or death kind of thing to our systems. Yeah, I mean things reveal themselves as you come upon obstacles and fears and that's fine. Before when I first got into personal development and I got into it, I was in therapy in and out through my 20s. I had depression and my 30s as well. But like once my business started and I access to more money, I started to work with more like coaches and specialized therapists who did like woo woo stuff and energy work very here for the woo woo. And that opened my entire world to like different modalities, different ways of looking at healing. But in the beginning I'd be like, I have to fix this, I have to fix this. And then through my journey I'VE learned that, oh, I don't really have to fix everything all at once and it's not even possible. It's more like, okay, this is revealing to me now the pattern or whatever it is, or like a limiting belief. And I just get curious about it. I kind of sit with it or I wait until it shows up enough times and I get sick of it and I'm like, okay, cool. What would I like to experience instead? And now I give myself more time, permission, compassion, grace to like move through that. I've seen that I've been able to shift a lot of old ways of being, but it's usually like a one to three year process. So I'll remember things when I kind of started to set the intention, like, I want this to be different. So I remember one intention I had set was I want to slow down. And so like consciously you're just like, okay, I'll clear my calendar or I'll rest more or I'll go for a walk. But what you don't realize is those habits don't become habit, like a natural habit for a long time because you're constantly going to get the old programming coming in or something's going to trigger it because a lot of those things are subconscious. So it takes time. So now it's more like, oh, I, you know, I'm more likely to just say no to calls or things, commitments, things like that because I've gotten so comfortable with slowing down. So that's what I looked like. It was like a three year process of now it's become a part of my identity. So that also made it easy to have more compassion for myself. Like as I work through new things, I discover because I was so hard on myself, I had high standards. I'm like, why haven't I moved through this? And then I realized, oh, okay, now when I tell people I have an intention to do something or change something, I'm like, give me two, three years, I'll get there and I'm just gonna enjoy the process and what I learned through that process. You know, I think that is so cool. I think I've just turned a corner just recently. So I'm about, I would say a year and three quarters into it where it's like been a very intentional healing process. And before then I was like, I just wanted to go fast. Like I've set this intention. Why in the hell isn't it happening sooner? It was hustle culture. And the more I learned about myself with like human design and astrology and like, that. I don't know if it's just part of my makeup where I, like, want to go faster. So having the compassion, having the grace, being patient with myself is like a new leaf that finally got turned over. The leaf was, like, kind of like inching that way, and I think we finally collapsed to the other side. But what are some of the cool or just helpful things that you've done, resources you've had, or, I don't know, things that you've tried that really worked for you? Because. And I will preface this by saying every person is going to have different things, just like you're saying that show up at different times that resonate. So this isn't like a blueprint for we should all go do what Raveena did or blueprint for everybody should do what Brittany did. But it's just like exposing yourself to what's out there. Yeah. One of the ways I like to look at it, because people usually misunderstand when I talk passionately about human design and astrology, it is a tool. I don't reference it every single day. I kind of live some of it. But I use it to help me understand myself and kind of get in tune with myself and listen to my intuition and just kind of live my life. I'm not sitting there with, like, a printed blueprint that I reference all the time. You're like, actually, no. So one of the ways someone had described it was, it's these systems create meanings for you. It's like another way I say it is. It's a language that I like or appreciate. So you can use that with technical systems or, like, psychology helps people. So it's similar to that. For me, it's not about deciding if it's true or not. I'm actually not here to decide that I have the undefined AJ not in human design. So I'm not here to be certain. But because I'm a Gemini, I'm open to different perspectives, and that works for me so that I can. You know, I grew up in a very religious background, so the, like, truth was forced upon us. And so learning about other perspectives and other systems and meanings really helped me to expand into understanding myself and others more and just think, like, oh, that is quite possible, actually. That does feel good in my body to, like, know that. And it makes sense right now. So I'll just use that as a meaning. Versus in a year or two, it may not be useful anymore and I don't have to use it. That's why I don't study Human design as crazy as I used to when I first started. So I discovered it about four years ago. And when someone read my chart that I was a two force blending manifestor, quad left single definition. At the time I looked back at the reading, it went over my head. So expect that if you're new to human design, that is supposed to go over your head. If you're not familiar with the terminology and what they're saying, if you come with some experience with astrology or the tree of Kabbalah or even the chakra system, or you're open to these kind of things, then you might understand some of it. And then something that I learned later. I've also been working with an astrologer for the last three years. Oh, cool. And I still don't know a lot about astrology. You would think I would have learned it, but I was like, you know what? Just tell me what I need to know. And then she also coaches me because I discovered I have ADHD and autism. So learning all those things, but not at the same time, but over time helped me to understand different aspects of myself. And even within those, they have layers. So it just kept giving me more permission to be myself and learning that I was a manifesto, that I was kind of here to stay in my own path, go after what I want. It made sense because whenever I ask people or like a lot of my close friends to describe me, they're like, you're a go getter. You go after what you want. I was like, oh, that's the defined willpower center. They're all about, like, what do I want? Like, that's the question that that center us. And it's defined, which means it's consistent with me. So it makes sense for me to always be like, what do I want? And then go after it. It won't make sense for other people because they might see me as selfish or like, think of myself too much. But I'm like, that's appropriate for who I am. And I get to show other people that it's okay to do that. And single definition means I process really fast, which made sense for, you know, like the astrology part of my Gemini stellium. Like, she's like, I have not seen a chart like this. Every session starts with, you are so brilliant. I'm like, I'm going to keep paying. You keep saying the nice things. Especially as a two line. We do things naturally and so we minimize it, we dismiss it. We're like, everyone should know this. Yeah. And then we realize, like, no, this is just a gift that you have. And I can refine it. I can get better at it. So when she reminds me of that, it. It helps me, because then I won't dismiss or minimize those parts of myself and realize I'm here to share that with the world and I don't have to teach it. I'm not here to teach, but I can share my experience. I can share. You know, like, when I talk, people are inspired because of the way I move. And so I'm like, I'm here to give people that permission. They don't have to move like me. You know, some people can just take. Even from this podcast interview, all they heard was, have a little more patience with yourself. It's like, sometimes that's more than enough for someone. Yeah. I remember when I created my first course two years ago, because I have done so well with the Gray Muse. So so many people come to me and they're like, how do you build a business with pin stickers? Like, you know, like a merch shop like this? So I tried and I ignored that part of like, oh, you're not here to be a teacher. But I was like, oh, but people are asking me. So with a two line, you have to be careful what calls you answer. So it's about where you want to go. But I had to learn through experience. Oh, let me answer all the calls. And I realized burnout. And that's also how my splenic authority learned what no feels like in my body, because I would, you know, like, have a bad taste in my mouth or grimace or feel something off and still say yes, and then learn from the experience. Like, oh, I was supposed to say no. That's how I got better at it. I think people are afraid to make mistakes, but I'm like, let's just find out. And then you're like, oh, crap. Okay. But I. I'm able to move through a lot of things with grace because of my adaptability. So when I created this course, and then this is right before I hired my astrologer, Robin, I put everything in there. So I hadn't taken a course. I probably did. And then never, like, actually went through the course on how to create a course. But I was like, let me just do it my way. I put everything in there. I mean, this had, like, 20 bonuses. I was like, I just want to do this. And then I realized everyone's extremely overwhelmed because they're like, what do I focus on? And I learned that after I created, sold it to a few Students, you know, I kept it at a pretty low rate and then got feedback, but I burnt out from that. And then when I was working with Robin, she's like, that makes sense for you. You have Gemini stellium. You want to learn all the things and all the ways. Yep. And so you don't have to teach it. And that was, like, the first seed she planted. And understanding. Because I thought everyone wanted to know everything, so I needed to be more than enough for everyone. Yeah. And realized that it was enough if I just shared a little bit of what it worked and focused on those things. So in those two years, I've been, like, refining it, but it's been a process for me because teaching doesn't come naturally. But I do have high standards. So if I'm going to put something in, I kind of want it to be, you know, like, each chapter to be sufficient. So that's kind of what I'm doing now, is coming back to launching my personal brand much more intentionally. I've learned a lot from my experience of wanting to do all the things, but it's like, okay, let's find a balance between what I actually want and what might be impactful and useful to customers. So I'm very excited because I'm still going to create things that are unique, different, kind of crazy, but, like, not with 20 bonuses, so a lot more precise. I've hired the right people to kind of help me to, you know, refine the course. So it's all coming. I'll probably have my own podcast as well. As you can tell, I can talk forever. I love it. I don't even know what your question was. And I'm just, like, going off and. Off, but this is cool, and it's gonna be what it needs to be. And that's also what I've learned is, like, I can come in and I come in with, like, a rough idea of a plan, and then I'm like, let's just see where we go and what streets we take. Because even as you were sharing that, I think the thought I had was that I can do the same thing with teaching and sharing. So I am naturally a teacher. And I always felt that even from, like, a young age, but I didn't know what shape that would take. So for 18 years, I was like, I'm going to be a third or fourth grade teacher. Like, I knew that I was going to be that. I was, like, analyzing my teachers, my entire schooling, the four teachers, but they actually really liked me. I liked them. I enjoyed school. I love learning. The only thing I remember that I have in Gemini is Venus. So, like, in my astrology chart, I love learning all the things. Even in my massage practice, after the clients got off the table. And you're like, out of it, mind you. And I know this because I've gone to school, but still I was like, you should do this stretch and this stretch and this thing and do that and do the other thing, and I'll see you next week, right? And they're just like, yeah, sure, whatever. In one ear, out the other. So I learned to stop sharing everything. But same as you, I had to learn that through experience of getting the feedback of, like, Brittany, you know, I do none of this stuff. I just come see you and I'm like, oh, okay. Yeah, that's true. So if it helps anyone listening, especially one line I heard and I can't remember who said it, people who come to you only need to know 10% more. You just have to give them, like, that tiny little extra bit to take them a little bit over where they are at the moment. I would love to know, as we wrap this up, just like storytelling in branding. I feel like these are two worlds that you really exist so beautifully in. Like, what is the power of storytelling for building a brand? Maybe let's go there. You know, it's so funny because this is the one area I overthink in where right now what I'm doing is with the great news. I just used to post whatever came to mind, so I didn't think about it. It was always intuitive. I never planned them in advance, and I just can't. If I tried to sit here and try to plan a post, it doesn't happen. It had to come from my heart or, like, my intuition was, like, screaming at me. But it just felt natural for me to share, like, my process, what was working, what I was creating. You know, I had one daughter at the time and just had the other one nine months ago. And so the things that matter to me in my life, I just share naturally. And I'm here for personal development. So that always came through. You can tell from the brand that I'm someone who cares about words, how it's said, how I think about myself and other people in the world and my process. So I was always in a state of evolution and development and just sharing that. Like, you know, this is really hard. I moved through this, and those things just came naturally. I, like, can do it here and, like, in any conversation because it's in my human design chart. I have all the individual channels and the transformation channels. So I'm like, here for personal transformation. And I think that was what really validated for me because before I'd be like, you know, in the early days of when I looked at business coaches or like marketing courses, it was like, don't use I. And I'm like, first of all, as a manifest, I didn't know at that time I'd be like, don't tell me not to use. I'm going to use I if I want to. And so I just kept doing it. But it was when I got into that world of coaching, I started to overthink. That's when I struggled because it was like, this one's telling me to do this, this one's telling me to do that. And then I learned, oh, I'm a manifester. I have to do it my way. But then it made me question myself at the same time, like, oh, is this system even valid? Am I crazy? Is everyone going to find out that I was scammed? So I went through a real journey with that. Yeah, now I want to be more intentional because there are like, visions that I have of, like, what I want my life to look like, what I want it to feel like, and I want to keep my family private, my relationship private. So it's like I've learned from that experience how much I want to share, but I still want to be able to share my journey in a way that feels good, comfortable, useful, impactful. So I'm practicing different ways of like, okay, I could say that I clearly go off on tangents so much, but what I'm learning is how to create posts that land with shorter paragraphs. And so that's what the personal brand is going to be for me is an experiment and expression. So, like, the great muse has its place, the art market has its place. I didn't have a place for just me before. It was just like this product and then talk about my story or why I created it. But now it's like, okay, there's so much to me. I don't know what I want to be known for, but it's not a pin maker. There's so much more to me. I'm just here to express myself. I'm here to be the muse, the messenger. I jokingly say I want to be the modern day roomie. I want to go back to poetry, writing stories, but because of the journey I've been on, I want to get better at that craft. So initially, I'm just going to experiment I want to talk about this, but different ways, and then from that process, I'll learn. So I'm not even like, you know, I have a launch coming, but I'm not concerned about how it's going to go, but, like, what I learned through the process. And I think it'll be really fun to hone in on that craft and learn how to tell stories and just be able to connect with people who, like, start to witness that. Because most people just see me as that pin person. Some people see me as more than. That, but you're way more than that, for the record. Oh, thank you. Yeah, it's just been so fun to, like, pins are how I met you, but I know that's not all there is to you. Yeah. I feel like I'm creating different ways for people to find me, and it's also giving artists and creatives and just people in general to be able to express the different parts of themselves. So I'm not saying create three different businesses. That just makes sense for me to have my playgrounds, but you can have, like, multiple ways of expressing yourself. You know, it's really fun. You get to learn about yourself, other people, and if it doesn't work, then you can. One of my most popular pins are it's like, give yourself permission to take the time to process, to pivot, to pause. And, like, I didn't even realize, like, it was just something I was like, this needs to be on a pin. Because I. I always give myself that permission. And there are other top bestsellers, but whenever that pin sells, I'm like, oh, my God, this is my person. Yeah. Because it connects with the journey I was on. So I'm like, oh, my God, I wonder what's going through their life that they're like, this resonates. So, like, for me, that makes me so happy because it's like, I want to be known for my words and my words to impact the world. Yeah. Well, that's a mic drop moment. So with that, where are you? Online? Give us all the things. So I. I'm so excited because I was trying to figure out what to call my personal brand or how to title it. And it's so cute because it's the same as my email, which is hello, and so I have a hello underscore Iamrubina on Instagram and threads. And my website is but it's under construction. I have a course that I'm going to be launching called Artful Profit. So it's about how to build a profitable and sustainable merchandise business. So, like, any physical product can apply. Probably not like beauty products, but I feel like the way that I talk, you can apply to, like, anything. So even digital products. I have two journals that are coming out because I've always wanted to be an author. And then I set the intention, and then I made it happen this summer. It was just like, within a month, I just, like, wrote them. But it. It made sense because I was like, I've been doing this work for so long. So when I sat down to write it, I hyper focus, and it just came out of me. Like, even when I was reading it, I went back to look at the drafts, I was like, whoa, I broke it. That's always the best. I cannot, like, consciously, like, plan things. It's kind of like when I trust my intuition and, like, the embodiment of the work I've done. So I'm very excited. One of them is called the Daily Shift. So it's a daily journaling and weekly journaling. The main questions I kind of focus on, I don't do them every day, but it's. I process everything in my head, so I just do them naturally throughout, like, my days. So it's sharing that process of how I move through things and how to focus on what you want and go after that. So it kind of has to go get our energy, but it redirects your focus to more of what you want and less of what you don't want to feel. And then the second journal will be. It's called the Story Shift. Ah, interesting storytelling. I love it when these things happen. I had a hard time coming up with the title, but I was like, what I want to be known for is how I get to shift the way that you're seeing things, your perspective. And so it has 365 questions. Initially, I was supposed to do 99, but I was like, once I started writing, it's so easy for me to come up questions. But even I was looking at the list, I was like, whoa, I want to journal on these. It's just very, very powerful questions. You can pick them randomly or go through one a day. And you can actually use it with the Daily Shift as well, because I have a place for you to add a prompt, and it just helps you to think about things very differently. So, like, instead of the questions you're asking yourself, choose a better question or a different question, I would say, and see if that can help you shift. And then the next one, I want to create. Because that idea came to me after the pattern shift. So I'm working through that right now, is how to shift even bigger patterns in your life. So I'm kind of sharing my personal process. So that gets me excited because I'm like, this is what I've always wanted to do, but I had to learn the process of observing myself, seeing how I do things, which, you know, that's a conscious effort because otherwise I could just do things and never have to teach anyone. But I'm like, I really want to help people because it's helped me. So, like, what would be the easiest way? So I'm starting with, like, basic steps and then building upon that. So one of my dreams has always been to just have, like, a digital resource library. But it's going to be, like, unique things where it's like, okay, how to shift a pattern and how to shift your thoughts. And one of the ones that I want to create, which is, like, crazy. But I was like, because it's crazy, I got to do it. So it's just going to be a volume of better feeling thoughts. Because one of the things I've been studying is the frequency scale. So, like, every emotion is on a different state. I've mentioned it in the daily shift. So that way you can have, like, a reference in mind of, like, where your emotional state is. That was a game changer for me when I learned about it two years, because it gave me an understanding of where I wanted to go and, like, how I wanted to feel. But if I didn't get to that point, then I started to look at what was getting in the way. And so these ideas have been, like, building in me with. For the last two, three years. So it's like with splenic authority, you have to trust the timing of things. Because I would start very soon because I'd be like, I got the idea now. I got to roll with it in three months. And then I'd be like, okay, now it's like, quiet in my head, but nothing's coming through. And then I realized, oh, started too soon. So I was like, I have to be fully embodied. So now that I'm. I'm working on the pattern shift, I'm like, oh, this is probably going to be a couple of months or maybe a year or two. So at least I know and I'll trust when the timing is right for it. Yeah, I think that is so cool. And I remember I was so excited when you mentioned the frequency chart because I remember you sharing that on Threads And I was like, this is so beautiful. Like, okay, so I'm a Libra rising. So pretty much like anything that's pretty. I'm a Libra moon. Are you really? Yeah. What are your big three? So Gemini Sun, Gemini rising, Libra moon in the fifth house, which is like, so perfect because it's all about creativity. That's like a Leo house. I think the fifth house is romance, children, inner child creativity, and the moon is relationships and how you feel. And Pluto's there as well. It just makes so much sense that the things that bring me joy are like, my children connecting with my inner child, creativity and romance. And that's why I want to be a poet. I'm. I felt like the journal was an easy way to ease into being an author, but I didn't realize the intro was going to be so many pages. So I practically wrote like a mini book there. That's perfect. Yeah. Libra Rising, Taurus Sun, Sag Moon. But with the Libra rising, I talk about perspectives. I can, like, make an argument for either side of anything, which is slightly annoying if you're in my life. But, like, I can see the two perspectives. But the main thing is, like, that's a Venus ruled situation. So, like, I'm all about pretty and feeling nice and all of that. So when I saw your frequency chart, I was like, oh, my gosh, it's so pretty. And even my Google Docs, like, I honestly can't stand if they're super basic. Even though, like the basic B. Like, a lot of my stuff is basic. But with that, I'm like, we have to like, make it organized and cute and like, pleasant to look at and all that kind of stuff. And then as you were talking about the pattern shift, I remember getting a book and it had just like, words, phrases, whatever. And it had art on that page too. So, like, that's going to be part of it, right? I don't know yet. I don't know what it's going to look like. But sit with that because I can totally see that happening. I have my Venus in Gemini as well. Oh, do you really? So, like, that makes sense for the esthetic of, like, the gray muse, the R market. Everything has to be beautiful, even with the personal brand. I'm getting branding done. Like, it's not required. You can still build. Like, I want people to know you can build a brand without branding. Yeah, you can. It just matters to me because it creates a foundation for me. I can create pretty graphics because it's just a way to Channel my creativity and, like, enjoy what I'm putting out there. Like, I could still do, like, threads, just write things, but very intentional about, like, how I present my brands, because that is just part of the values. That I have, and that's cool, and that gets to be cool. And I like. So for me, I guess I would say more of my branding has been, like, the feeling, the vibe. That's been a little bit more how I've done branding, but, like, anything works for anybody. And also too, like, you had all of that journey to get where you are to where financially you're able to do that. You have this vision so you know where you want to go with it. Like, you're just more informed at this point versus more at the beginning when you were like, let's just see what happens. I was thinking about how much I had invested already in, like, everything to prepare for the personal brand. So that what that does is just show me how much I care about, like, what I'm putting out there and that I value myself and my ideas and, like, I want to take that risk. And, you know, that's not a risk that everyone can take, but I am being intentional about it because it's been in the process since, like, March. Like, I've wanted a personal brand for, like, two years, but I just kept going back to, like, I would use my crafting account. Then I felt weird. I was overthinking it, but I think it was just, like, not the right time to start it. And then this year felt like, okay, I've got a solid ground with the Gray Muse. It's starting to separate from my identity. It can stand on its own. And, like, it's. I've been intentionally creating the space for self expression, for my books, for my writings, sharing my thoughts, and in a way that, like, land for people so that I can actually share. Like, oh, I've been someone who's done this work, who understands the subconscious and thoughts and, like, helping you to choose other thoughts. And it's always been about whoever's attracted to my frequency. Like, they'll just show up. I've always been that way. I don't chase people. I don't. Like, if anyone is, like, you could just tell, kind of like, there's dissonance. I will refund you. I will cancel your order. It's fine. Like, you know, it's cool. Like, you don't have to. You know, I feel like I'm getting more to that point where I'm understanding that and embodying it. Not just getting it up here, but getting it, like, here. Yeah. Yeah, that's. That's pretty huge. Oh, my gosh. This has been amazing. Thank you so much for coming and sharing, and I know that this is gonna land for the right people. Oh, I hope so. Oh, it will, for sure. Thank you. Thank you so much. I will make sure all of the links are below, so you can go check out everything that Rubina has going on and even stuff in the future. So I'll catch you next time.

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