The Basic B: SEO, Storytelling, & Social Proof

SEO & Grow 🌱 Group Coaching Program Tour

• Brittany Herzberg

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You’re wondering what exactly this SEO & Grow group coaching experience is all about & what to expect—and I’m here to tell you! In this quick lil solo episode, I’m taking you BTS of my newest SEO experience for entrepreneurs. This is a time-sensitive episode, so I suggest you throw me in 2x & click below to join the waitlist! I would love to see you inside 🎉

➡️ Get more info about SEO & Grow 🌱!

Mentioned Links:
Private SEO Podcast
SEO Sprint
Blogging email course
Podcast SEO Download
DFY SEO Optimization
SEO 1-off Call

Contact Brittany:
Voxer @beehere
Telegram @brittany_herzberg

Supercharge your podcast show notes with SEO—and easily turn podcast episodes into blog posts with templates & training videos created by SEO podcaster & copywriter, Brittany Herzberg!

Find B on:
Instagram, YouTube, Threads, LinkedIn

Often mentioned:
Buzzsprout (get $20 off)
Dubsado (20% off)
Styled Stock Society
Keysearch (1 mo. free!)
Hello Audio (15% off w/ code: BASICB)
Legal templates ($50 off w/ code: BASICB)
Book of the Mo. Club

(*affiliate links included, which means I might make a lil money when you click. I only recommend people, products, & programs I use & ❤️)

🎉 This podcast is brought to you in partnership w/
Leah Bryant Co....

Hello and welcome back to the Basic Bee Podcast. You're joining me for a special episode of the Basics with Bee because I have something pretty incredible to share with you. You might have seen me teasing SEO and Grow, my group coaching program that begins so soon on November 11th, and I've seen and heard how much you love these offer and experience walkthrough tours. So we're doing another one. SEO and Grow is a place to understand and implement SEO in a simple and sustainable way. It's for CEOs who want to monetize their magic and stop giving all of their precious time to the algorithm. This is the place where you can dive into behind the scenes strategies that will actually 10x your reach so you can scale to multi 6 and 6 figures in your business. This program is the perfect place for anyone who believes SEO is too techy and complicated, anyone who thinks there is no possible way that SEO can work for you, and anyone who fears SEO is challenging to sustain once you're on your own without a pro. All right, pop quiz. What's possible when you pair a perfectly seoified website platform with an already powerful social media presence? Magic, that's what. The thing that's going to get you to that next level business, that next level income, that next level impact is a next level marketing strategy. Enter SEO by deeply understanding and starting to strategically implement SEO in three very specific ways. You get that sustainable growth, that freedom to do what you love, that ease of reaching the next level of business you've been dreaming of. You get more visibility, more reach so you don't have to work so hard to get new eyes on your offers. You get more legitimacy, more brand recognition so you're seen as an authority and an expert in your industry. You get more people on your email list where they're waiting to throw their money at you, and a strategic way to monetize content so you're not wasting hours trying to create new and more I've had SEO clients grow their monthly website traffic to 13,000 plus visitors just by blogging once a month. I've had clients triple podcast downloads in just two months by changing two things. I've had clients book clients by answering one question because they kept seeing them on Google. The one thing that will give you more reach and more visibility with less effort, money and time invested over the long haul is SEO. If you want legitimately want to make SEO a thing in your business in 2025, if you want to start popping up at the top of those search results pages and getting found online 24 7, including, I don't know, when you're down with a migraine or spending the day at the beach with your kids or your dogs, you need to begin now. The thing about SEO is that it takes a little time. It takes a little bit to get the wheels turning. It's kind of like me in the morning. I just need a minute. Okay? I need a little time to get going now. My approach to SEO isn't just to make it fun, approachable, doable and sustainable. It's also quite methodical. There are three pillars of SEO. The way I see it in my world and the way that we approach it. You want to create content, find and fix errors, build backlinks. And if any of this makes you feel some type of way, you're going to want to listen to my private SEO podcast. I'll make sure that's linked below. And since there are three pillars, I've made the program three months long. So here's how that time is structured. The group coaching program begins on November 11th and will run until the end of January. And don't worry, we're taking some weeks off in the middle for implementation, holiday festivities and travel, however you want to split that time up. If you're even the slightest bit interested in what I've shared so far, you need to hop on the waitlist because those folks are getting some extra good goodies. They're getting a steep discount and some exclusive bonuses and it's only available to the first five people who grab it. So make sure you're on that wait list. Of course, that link will be down below as well. There are already some amazing bonuses baked into the program too. Check this out. There are three guest experts, but let me back up because if I don't set this up, it's just not going to make any sense. So SEO and Grow includes two pre recorded SEO related trainings each month. These are short little snippets, like 15 minutes or less sometimes. It's a tech tutorial. One of the things I already have mapped out is a backlink, like a way that you can see backlinks and broken links and things like that. So it's going to be a deep dive on links. There are also going to be two live calls each month. These calls are part Q and A, part hot seat style calls and if you can't make it live, you'll always have a way to submit your questions before the call. There are going to be two days of telegram support each month and these will take place on our Non call weeks if you haven't heard of or used Telegram. It's very, very similar to Voxer and both apps are actually really similar to texting on your phone. You'll be able to chat with each other, learn from what others are working through, ask me questions either with a voice note or a text message. This will function as our community space and it's great. It's so great. I've been on the receiving end of communities like this because the support is on the go. So I could be out at the grocery store and have a question that I think of and I can just add it to the chat. So it's amazing. With the on the go support, you're also going to get immediate and free access to these trainings that I'm going to tell you about in a second so you can dig in before we even begin. You're going to get access to the SEO Sprint, which, remember there were five mentorship calls. You'll also get all the resources that went along with that. You'll get immediate access to my blogging email course that walks you through exactly what to do to create blogs for SEO. And you'll also immediately get the podcast SEO Download, which shows you through video trainings and templates how to create SEO ified show descriptions for your podcast and how to make those show descriptions, like how to turn that into a blog post. It's incredible. I do this once a week and it just streamlines the whole process and I know that there's SEO for my show description so on the podcast platform as well as built into the blog on my website. Now, I mentioned this program is three months long. Each month has a theme and I'll share that with you and then tell you how those guest experts fit in. Month one is all about website SEO. We're making improvements to your site's SEO that'll allow you to see immediate results. We're optimizing your main website pages for SEO and gifting them a solid SEO strategy so they can go and work while you're doing whatever. And then the guest expert who's going to join us is Sarah Light. We're kicking off this experience with a unique workshop where we're going to be talking about how to prioritize these various SEO tasks. So SEO goes from doubtful to doable. Month two is dedicated to podcast SEO. This month is critical and supportive whether you are a podcast host or just a podcast guest. If you're a host, you're going to learn how to easily prioritize and optimize old episodes and create an SEO strategy for upcoming episodes that you have. If you're a guest, you're going to learn how to optimize your application and materials for the show, including your podcast headshot. You know all of those headshots that we send off to people and you're going to learn how to use those interviews to easily improve your own SEO. The guest expert joining us is Leah Bryant. As you know, she's my podcast producer and a dear, dear friend and she's just a genius when it comes to podcasting. Join us for a telegram Q and A day. Pajamas are welcome. You get to ask Leah all your podcast hosting and guesting questions. Month three we are rounding out with blog SEO. You'll be able to optimize existing posts and dream up new posts, maybe even repurpose content for a blog post. The guest expert joining us is Megan Williamson. I'm so excited for this because Megan is going to be answering all of our including my own Pinterest questions so you can ensure you're using this platform to the max to support your SEO efforts. So SEO and grow. The program total is 1200 and yes, it can be split into payments. There's also a VIP upgrade. With the VIP tier you get everything I just mentioned plus three additional one to one 60 minute calls that's split out into one call each month. So you're getting three additional calls, a heck of a lot more handholding. And this upgrade is $1,000 and it gives you the most hands on, supportive and expansive SEO experience possible. We've reached the end, my friends. So again, if you're even the slightest bit interested in what I've said, you need to add your name to that wait list. It's the only place that I'm going to be sharing some extra good goodies. And remember I shared this earlier. It's including a steep discount. Steep. Steep. I've never done a discount like this before. And some exclusive bonuses and only the first five people to join the program from the waitlist. So the waitlist is gonna hear about everything but the first five people to go from hearing about it on that waitlist and joining SEO and grow, only those first five people are going to get those snazzy bonuses. If we're beyond the waitlist window. Great news. That means you can join us right now. The party starts on November 11th and we're going until January 31st. If you have any questions, you can reach out to me on Voxer, Telegram, Instagram, email. I'll share all of those links below. Also know that if you are not the least bit interested in doing SEO yourself, I can still support you. I'm currently booking the next couple months of Done for you, SEO Optimization and SEO one off calls. Of course, I'll have those links for you below as well. Thanks for joining me and I really hope to see you inside.

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