The Basic B: SEO, Storytelling, & Social Proof

Transform Your Money Mindset w/ Natalia Benson

Brittany Herzberg, Natalia Benson Episode 71

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Having a safe, approachable, fun way to put your focus on money will completely change your relationship to it! And that will show up in your bank account, personal life, and business. I would know—I’ve done this with support from Natalia Benson & her MWMM membership!

Finding a money mentor who spoke my language & was excited to hold my hand through the process has been life-changing. Truly! I’ve hit my highest revenue generating month while working with Natalia. But most importantly—I’ve completely transformed my relationship with money. I’ve addressed subconscious beliefs, stopped fearing my finances, & been able to learn about money through the lens of astrology.

I read all the books, but having a supportive space full of like-minded women was the catalyst I never knew I needed. Maybe it’s just the thing for you, too… Join Natalia Benson & I for this dual interview—I ask her Q’s about MWMM’s origin and methods & she turns the table to ask me about my experience inside the MWMM membership!

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Welcome back to the Basic V podcast. I'm thrilled to have you here, and I'm super excited to introduce you to one of my mentors, Natalia Benson. So we're going to be talking all about her work with money, business, astrology, and how she's actually impacted my life in a really big way this year. Before I bring her on, here's her quick intro. Natalia Benson is an astrologer and money mentor living in southern California with her husband Mick and their dogs, Taro and Freya. Freya. Freya. Did I already butcher it? She doesn't care. Freya. She's like, whatever. I'll just, like, show up for anything. By fusing the spiritual world with practical tools for empowerment, Natalia has helped thousands of students and clients make meaningful choices and changes in their lives. She specializes in money, mentorship, digital course creation, and online monetization rooted in astrology, personal finance, and spiritual wellness. She has her own money membership six years running called magical Women and money. She has also been the host of the Natalia Benson podcast, an astrology, money, and entrepreneurship based podcast. Natalia's mission is to equip women with the power to create life on their terms, thanks to the unique fusing of financial awareness, astrology, and spirituality. And she's currently training and practicing to become a medium. Natalia, welcome. Oh, thank you. I always say it's like a great. I don't even know what to call it, but it's like a fascinating practice to just sit while someone reads your bio. It's, like, awkward, but at the same time, it's like, oh, thank you. I'm pretty cool. Yeah, this is so nice. I just blush every time, basically. So, yeah, thanks, boo. I'm so happy to be here. Of course, I am, too. I'm really excited to just connect my community with people who have been so helpful in my life, especially recently. So thanks for letting me show you off. Thanks for showing me off. All right, I'm going to hit you with the question that I ask everyone at the beginning of the podcast. There are no wrong answers, just to remind the audience. But which do you believe is the most important for sales, SEO, storytelling, or social proof? Oh, my God. Can I say all three? Yes. No. Honestly, I do feel that all three are important because sales, to me, like anything in business, is like an ecosystem. The methods, and what it is that we need to move things forward. It doesn't live in a vacuum. But if I would say something that I think is really prolific and important, I do feel that storytelling is really powerful because, number one, I feel like our brains are hardwired to receive story. And I just, for the kind of work that I do and even the way that I buy, I really think that storytelling is very, very powerful and important. And I think it also requires us as the entrepreneur or the business owner changemaker to really own our story or own our why around why we're doing what we're doing. Yeah. How it originated. I think I find often that people are very fascinated by that, and it gives them something to connect to and hopefully, if it feels aligned to make an investment or a purchase in something that betters their lives. Yeah, I love that question. Thank you. It never gets old. I could have gone in 30 directions, but I was like, let's go with storytelling. But all three are important. Truly. I had a feeling you might go with storytelling, but I really didn't know. Cause I don't know that I've specifically heard you speak about any of those. I never have. So thank you. Cause I'm secretly a total geek about business. Like, it's just not something I feel like I share as often just because it doesn't really flow with my story so well. It's kind of like astrology pulls people into your world, and then you're like, here's all the business stuff. And all the financial stuff, too. Exactly that. It's actually my beautiful, loving secret. Because I'm like, I want everyone to be financially literate and empowered and stable. And astrology is like the gateway for that. It really is. And that really helps personalize it, too. So real on this topic, will you tell us a little bit about the origin story of your membership? Mwmm. Yes, I'd be happy to. So I'm going to give you the short, succinct version, but very simply, all of my life, I remember when I was about 16 years old, I bounced my first check. I had gotten like a birthday check from a grandparente and I bounced it. And I remember being at the bank and being embarrassed. Cause I was like, oh, I know this isn't good. Like, this isn't right. And I remember my parents used to teach me, or attempt to teach me, how to balance a checkbook. Keyword on attempt. It was almost like my brain would just cut short. Like, it just didn't make sense to me. So lead into my twenties.$50 in my bank account was a good day, a good weekend. I was always in the negative. I was terrified of money. I had businesses. I actually, my first business was a jewelry line, but it, quote unquote, failed because I had such a poor avoidant relationship with my finances, around the age of 29, I was like, I've had enough. So I made a reading date with myself to read a money book every Tuesday for 33 minutes. And that book was called secrets of a millionaire mind by T Harv Eker. With that, I attended his free seminar. Left as soon as they started teaching money management, because my subconscious was like, nope, it can't be this good. It can't be this easy. You better leave. Things need to be hard. You don't get to have ease. It's a hard no. And of course, none of these things were conscious. So a year later, I went back again because I was in the exact same financial place. But this time I had just gone full time in my business. And the power and the magic of MWMM is that two really unique things came together. My love of spirituality and healing myself on what I like to call the energetic, emotional level which I attribute to the soul. And then the piece that transformed everything for me was learning money management, the tactical, practical side of money. And I learned it at that free seminar that I went to for the second time. And when I left that seminar, I made a commitment to myself. I was like, this is the line in the sand. I am never going back. I'm never going back to the avoidance, I'm going to use my spiritual tools and the tactical, practical, methodical ways of money and I am going to transform my relationship to money on my terms. What school and banks and my parents have attempted to teach me has not been spoken in a way that's made any sense to me. So I knew I needed a softer approach. And that year, within the last, I'd say that happened around in August. The last five months of the year, I tripled my business. I went on to create a six figure business, and the next year alone, I was 31 years old. So it took me a little bit of time, and I like to share that, because MWMM exists for any woman or any person who feels like money isn't taught in a language that they understand, and they are craving not only to feel stable, but to not abandon their soul in the process. That these two things are deeply important. They actually work together. And just to make an astrology reference really quickly, in the system of astrology, Virgo and Pisces are opposite signs and Pisces rules the soul, while Virgo rules tactical reality. And that access is literally our power access because it's what we are as human beings. We're physical, tactical, practical bodies but what animates us is the spirit, some energy that brings life to these forms. And money's the same. Like, without a healthy relationship to fulfillment and peace, money is just numbers on a screen and paper in your purse. So that's really how it started and how it's gone now. I love that, and I'll tee up my story in a little bit. But the thing for me that drew me in was just, like, what I was saying was astrology, where I love learning, I love geeking out, and I've really just jumped in so hard where I'm like, this is a gateway for me because I like learning about this. But, oh, check it out. I'm also helping myself in this other way, too. Yes. So I love that you combined them. And even with you saying that, it was more of, like, a softer approach, another language definitely makes sense. And I'm over here, like, yeah, definitely. That was definitely part of the appeal. Oh, my God. It's honestly so cool to hear that. And obviously, babe, like, you've been. I know. I'm sure we'll get into this for a couple of minutes, but you've just applied yourself in such a remarkable way, and that's so important in this work, and so it's so cool just to see what happens. It's literally why I can never quit, because it's just so cool to see how it didn't just alchemize in my life. It's alchemized in the lives of hundreds and even thousands of women. And that's so cool to me. And that's, like, a ripple effect, because when we are healthy with our finances, it. It's a communal thing. Like, money is currency, currents of energy. It's really important to me. Yeah, I don't think I've ever heard you share, but I'm so curious to ask you, do you have a favorite part or aspect of MWMM? Whether it's, like, one of the tracks or one of the videos or, like, a thing that you teach or, like, is there anything that stands out that's, like, lights you up a lot? Oh, my God. Honestly, my favorite part of MWMM is step two, the six financial tools. And I'm sure as my babes are going through those steps, like step one, step two, step three. I'm sure everyone wants to skip step two, but step two is literally the reason why the membership will transform your entire life. But you have to dive into those six tools, and I'm very proud of that piece of the membership because that actually originally was a course that I created. I sold it last summer, and then I was like, oh, my God, this is so succinct. It's short, it's manageable, it's approachable. And Mwmm. At the time, there was a lot of trainings around finances, of course, but I had never created something, sort of how my mind functions now, which is, like, after so many years of chaos and disorganization, it's just, like, so cool to see how when you stick with something and it works for you, how you can then explain it simply. So I'm very proud of that. And also, I feel like, for me, our ig lives are my favorite. Like, we do the tarot. I love doing Q and A's. Like, I'm a mani gen, and I just feel like, I'm sure you can speak to this, because I feel like we generate so much energy on those freaking calls. They're just so special. And I leave every single live call of MwMM, like, on another plane of energy in such a beautiful way. Like, I could be having a rough day or a rough season, and I leave an mwmm call, and I just feel so grateful to be alive and to have the privilege of, like, doing what I'm doing. Yeah, that's thanks to all of you, so. Well, I mean, but it also speaks to you and who you're pulling in and pulling together. So. So just, like, such a synergistic thing. But I have to say yes. Like, wholeheartedly agree with both of those. I did take that training last year. I was just poking around on the back of the membership. I was like, I think I took that. I did. So that was one thing I did before I even got into, like, officially Mwm, but also with the IG lives, that is, like, the thing that makes me the happiest. And you and I will resonate with this because I lost my pup earlier this year, and you've had loss in your life. And that was the one thing that I kept on my calendar because it was like, oh, I'm so excited. I just want to go there. And it's such a cool community, and you and having, like, that focus into, like, okay, this sucks right now in this moment, and it's really hard, but where am I going? And, like, what's it for? So I don't know that I told you that, but, like, it was the one thing that stayed on my calendar. Fiona. Oh, I'm so honored. I mean, I feel like I always say this in mwmm. It's like, let this be an energy giver to you. Like, come here and fill up your cup, because that's really what we do, and that's the power of community. Like, like hearted, like, soul community. That's what we do together. It's just. I'm so honored. Yeah, no, I love it. It meant a lot, and it's been a really cool spot to be in. Okay, I've got another question for you. Surprise. I'm ready. I love a Q and A. I love a podcast. I think this is, like, the perfect format, too, because you're a mani gen. I'm a mani Jen. Like, we both get to respond. I'm so excited. I'm so happy you're here. We love giant hearts. What is your biggest hope with the membership? I'll leave it at that. What's your biggest hope? You know, it's interesting because everything I do on social media, especially these days, is all around astrology. I don't teach personal finance on Instagram. It's not my vibe. I think also Instagram has gotten so millisecond that I am like, okay, how can I connect? Especially something that I'm so embodied in, which is astrology. But the truth is, of what keeps me going, gets me up in the morning, is truly, I feel a big part of, like, my dharma. My mission, why I am here, is literally all around financial stabilization. It is around supporting women and anyone who's drawn to my work, how to feel stabilized and abundant and generous and whatever their vision is or whatever their values are. What I think is interesting is when we actually step into a healthy relationship with money and we have more than we need, or we're just living in our own self defined expression of abundance and success. I think we get really surprised at what values come online for us and what expands. So my hope for MWMM is only that it continues to expand. And like you said in my intro, it's six years running. I've had it for a very long time, and it's grown, it's changed. And what excites me is just to continue to. This is my capricorn rising speaking. But, like, to perfect this process so that it is deeply useful. And I always like to say that if you apply yourself through this simple process, this is like a teach you to fish moment. Like, these are simple tools and simple awareness that will change the trajectory of your life, because no one is coming to save us. No one is coming to take care of your money for you. No one's coming to take care of your health. For you, like, everything has to originate from that deep commitment to your own sovereignty and to your. Your values. And I just want to continue to see this membership grow. As I was growing it, it was very challenging at the beginning. It's ebbed and flowed. There have been times where I've loved it and times where I've realized that I need to make changes to it. And I'm so proud about where it is now because I know that it's in the perfect place to continue to scale and to continue to serve. And, like, the only word I can use is, like, proud. Like, I'm so proud of where it is. And that's a really big thing to say around. I'm sure many of the babes listening to your podcast are entrepreneurs, but like, to say that you've created something over time that you're proud of and you only want to see grow. I mean, it's actually a really special moment to be able to speak into that. So, yes, growth, stable growth. But more than anything, I just get excited to see who is drawn to this work and who's willing to commit. It's not a simple commitment. It's. It's six months. And there's a reason for that because you need time to bring these tools into your life. But I've had so many mentors and people in my life say, you need to shorten that. And I'm just like, no, because it also calls in a certain level of commitment from the woman who says yes to it. And I also feel that that's why we have such a special, loving, connected community, because there's this deep level of devotion to the next level of one's life for anyone who says yes to mwMm. So that's my very long winded answer. But I love that question. I was like, okay, growth and service and all the magic. Yeah, it's beautiful. Yeah, no, I love it. And I love, too, how you tied together. I mean, being a mani Jen, like, I get it. And having a podcast that talks about SEO and storytelling and social proof, it's like we get to tie all the dots together. Love it. And just, like, collapse time for people and make the process easier. And you've done that with, you know, astrology and business and money. And it's been really cool to watch and then to be a part of because I'm kind of a lurker for a while. I've loved to hear that. It's actually cool for me to know, like, tell me more about this lurking. But I also think that's why you can't give up, because it's like, I'll share this quickly, but it's like, I used to be the kind of person where, like, I do something and I change it, but it's like, people need time. I actually did a session with someone last night for astrology and tarot, and she was like, oh, I've been following you for, like years and years and years. And I finally booked this session and I was like, cool. Like, people need to build trust, and I totally understand that, especially with something like this. Because, like I said, six months is not a short amount of time. It's half a year. Yeah. But it was also, like, for me, at least, something I hadn't thought about and talk about, like, money being very confronting. Like, we could spend a whole podcast on my stuff. And I think I have at some point. But the way I got introduced to your work was actually really cool. I was a massage therapist. 2020 happened. I was home and I was like, I love learning. I have since by working with you, learned why. I've got a lot of, like, what is it? Like Gemini and Sagittarius placements. Yeah, gem sag. So I was online, learned what a webinar was, learned what email sequences were, all this kind of stuff. Found my way into copywriting because I love writing. And the very first thing, don't ask me why I jumped in the deep end, but I did. I was like, I'm going to learn to write quizzes because that sounds simple. It's not. Oh, my God, that's so cool. No, it's so hard. I've talked to people who make quizzes and they're just like, you want what? I'm like, oh, this is so powerful. Yeah, it's powerful, but it's a multi step, situational monster thing of, it's not a simple project, but someone on your team reached out to me early in my career because they had heard that I write quizzes. I don't know, like, if you remember that or not, but it was a long time ago. And so I got introduced to your world that way because I was like, who is this chick? What does she teach about what's going on? And then I just ended up in your world. Listened to your podcast, followed you on Instagram, saw your YouTube videos. I was putting things to use and to work, but, like, being in the membership, it's much more impactful way to actually be in your world. 2023 was a really big year of, like, healing and growth for me. And I was like, give me all of the things. I will put all the things to work. And funny, I thought healing was like an upward path. It's much more like this, like, twisting around, ups and downs. And so it was just really interesting. So I was, like, gathering all the tools. Like I said, I took that training from you, and by the end of the year, I think you had opened the doors again for mwmm. And I was like, all right, fine, I'm in. It's time. I'm going in. I'm just doing. I remember we used to talk in the DM's a lot. You were thinking about it for a long time. And I remember finally, was it the Saturn masterclass? I did a few, but I think it was that six step thingy you were talking about. That's step two now in the membership. Oh, my God. It must have been, because it was the end of the year last year, and I taught, like, a really off the cuff. I wonder if it was that. But anyways, that's so cool. I did do that. The biggest thing was my boyfriend and I have been living in all these different places while we house hunt in Connecticut. And I remember the house that we were in when I started doing stuff with you. And it was actually, like, last April, and I did, like, one of the meditations or visualizations that you had given out just freely. And I was, like, sitting on this bench in the hallway of this house, like, bawling my eyes out. And I'm like, I need help. I need tools. So, like, the rest of the year, I was just in your world, but, yeah, by the end of the year, I was like, dang it. I'm in here. I'm going all in. I'm going all in on myself, and I'm gonna confront this thing that feels like a really scary monster to me, which is the finances. Oh, my God. I'm so proud of you. Also, I never knew that story about the quiz. Like, I had no idea. It must have been, like, 2021 when someone reached out. I remember when we were talking about doing that, and it was probably my old assistant. I remember when we were, like, figuring out if we were going to do a project like that. That's so cool, boo. I know. I'm honored. I'm so happy you're here. The gift that keeps on giving, even in team meetings, we'll be like, brit, y'all. Like Brit. She's just rocking. That's so sweet. I love you guys. That's so cool. We love you. Well, thanks. Yeah. So I mean, I'm an open book if you want to flip the tables and ask me anything. Okay. So this is always really fun. What is the experience, like for you being inside of this membership and this community? Like, what does it do for you and what's sort of, like, your interaction with it on a regular basis? I was reflecting on this because I'm like, there's so many things, and I'm not able to show up for all of them, but the things I show up for are the Instagram lives. You've all seen me on the back end of Kajabi. Like, yeah, you're popping, like, 80%. Like, I want to say really quickly, that's the beauty of the structure, is it's a choose your own adventure. You don't have to do everything. We have our success recipe, which is very straightforward, but it's just like, I love that. It's like being at an ice cream store and being like, what flavor do I want today? How do I want to, like, stack my cone? And that's really, like, the gift of this format. But I want to hear how you think about it. I love it. Is the short answer. At times, I've been like, I can't do everything. Like, I can't go to the community calls. I've been able to make it to one of the money music movement sessions. Which I love the movement sessions. It was so fun, but I'm not able to, largely because of the spaces that we're in. I just can't participate, so I can't go. And so sometimes I'm like, aw, man, fomo. Am I missing out? But then I'll show up on the lives and, like, the chat's popping off and I know people, and I've gone off to have, like, you know, one to one conversations with people. I've been able to help people with their SEO, which is really cool. So amazing. I love being in a community, like you said earlier, of like minded women and people who just were on this journey. It's nice having the support. It's nice, like, seeing each other when things are going well and also just being there to hold each other when things aren't going well. I learn so much about myself, but also so much about other people, too. And even if I don't have a question or I don't have anything that I'm coming to the table with that day, it's still like, oh, I get so much from what I hear about others or from others, and sometimes it'll even connect dots for myself. People will talk about fourth house. We had so many fourth house conversations this year. Oh, my gosh, yes. And I have a ton of planets in my fourth house, which is a big deal for anyone who's not familiar with astrology. Maybe you can speak to that. It was just so cool to see, like, oh, I've got this in here, and I've got this in here, and I've got this placement. I've got this thing. And so you know that there's other people who at least kind of understand what you're going through, and they're on a similar path. But, yeah, I mean, it's just really supportive and really exciting and just a really nice place to be. I mean, I know nice is a boring word, but it's just like, no, it's great. I love it. And, like, okay, I'm going to ask you the same question you asked me. Like, what is your favorite part of the, let's say membership, but specifically the portal? We like to call it our little Netflix and mwmm. So it's like, if you were having a Friday night sag Gemini moment and you just want to study, what do you most love to do in the portal? Yeah, I do. And I'll go search out a training, and usually it's whatever the quarterly training or if there was a monthly training that I didn't get to show up live for, I've had to get another notebook because I filled up the first one. Oh, my God, that's incredible. Because I'll also leave space to just journal and let myself process it. I do a lot of processing with a journal and with speaking. But, yeah, I'll just go and see what the quarterly training was. My track has been number three, mostly, and then, I think, also number one. So I'll go just exhaust whatever is in there, and then sometimes I'll find that I go back and listen to a training again. I had an astrology reading with you earlier this year, and you were mentioning, I think it was, like, Venus and offers training. Yes. And so I think I've watched that two or three times. Oh, my God, I love that. And, like, I guess that's the thing, too, is we have, like, our roadmap. Do you use the roadmap every month? Your capricorn is, like, loves. That's how I am. Like, that's why we have the roadmap and the portal, because so often it's like you can opt in for a course or opt in for a membership. And it's so easy for life to just get in the way. But I feel like when you get that dopamine hit of like, oh, I, you know, did one of my meditations or I read a book or I did a training and you can check things off. I don't know. I wonder if your community is like that because that's why we have that, because it gives you this nice roadmap to actually, like, get in and, like, dive into the trainings. If you had one core takeaway of how Mwmm has improved your life, what do you feel like that is? Ooh, I like that question and how you framed it. First of all, it got me to just face the thing that was so freaking scary. And I will say I had like three or four things at the same time and MwM was one of them where I was like, I am tackling this thing, I am bringing all of the tools online and I am, like, not letting myself run away from it. And because of that, ive been able to have my highest revenue generating months ever. And ive been in business for eleven ish years. So it's been amazing to have that. Like, if you had one core takeaway, like, because I feel like that's the thing. Like, even for me, being mentored, being in other communities, I always realize that it's sort of one theme. Like, there could be a lot going on, but it's like, I typically will have, like, one theme, one reason, one takeaway. If I look back on, like, experiences I've had in other containers, or if there's something I'm working on. So, yeah, that's really it. Just like kind of that overarching. But I love hearing that it's heightened your revenue. That's the greatest thing ever. Because I always like to say that we always want more, but if we can't show ourselves or the universe or God or whatever you want to call it, that we can't take care or we're not willing to take care of what we have, then why would we be entrusted with more? It would just be more to take care of that we don't know what to do with the. So I just think that's beautiful. And do you feel like that's part or has it been more strategy or a little bit of both. I mean, it's just been having the roadmap, having the game plan. I check in with that worksheet every week. And then I was also looking because my desktop, I changed it when I got your. I think it was like a separate thing at the time that I bought into. But the scale. Yes. And in there, I loved the font, and I loved something that you said once I was in mwmm, and you said, I can have it all if I plan for it. So there's literally the backdrop. It is my desktop background, because I'm like, stay focused. We're, like, doing this, and the worksheet really helps keep me accountable and just not duck away in moments where I probably want to duck away. And I think that really helps me stay focused. And, like, you gotta show up. You gotta do the things. It doesn't have to be that hard. Like, even if you're just doing a tiny little thing, like, I'm still moving in this direction that I want to go. Yes. And that's, like, another reason. Like, how have you experienced the six months minimum? Well, I know you've been in for longer than that, but, like, was that a hurdle for you at first, to be like, oh, my God, six months? Or was it just, like, what was sort of your relationship to that? I think because I had been such a lurker and, like, you know, the little workshop masterclass grabber, I knew I was in and I knew that I was just ready for it. I don't know what it is about me, but I do kind of vet. It's not just vetting the thing, but it's also vetting the person. Absolutely. Do they seem like they're embodied in the work? Do I think I can really learn from them? Are they genuine? And so since I've taken time to be in your world experience, you learn from you and the free stuff that you're doing, I was like, oh, yeah, I'm in. Oh, I love that. So it's almost like the six months becomes a. A non issue. Yeah, it was totally a non issue, which is big for me to say, because last year, my bank account was so low. Like, scary low for most of the year. But I was like, we're going for it. Well, some people, I feel like, they say, oh, it's magic. Yes, it's called magical women and money. But it's like, when you're willing to put your focus on something, you can change it. And that's what this is built for. It's literally the space or a space in your life where you can actually focus on this area of your life and do it in a safe way and do it in a soft, approachable way and a fun way. I mean, we have so much fun, and it's pretty, like, I'm all about my aesthetics, so it's like, I love to make it beautiful, and it just feels so good in there. It does. It really does. And I want to say, too, I think the other part that's really cool is, like, you talk about the tactical practical and then, like, the more out there. Woo woo. Amazing tools that we have and being able to come at this. I guess my cap stellium loves the fact that it's structured and it's logical, but it's also got. The subconscious stuff has been really huge. The EFT tapping has been really huge. The hypnosis stuff with Leo, I've got his episode coming out shortly after yours. So exciting, which I'm so excited about. And if you love Leo, he's in the membership, so definitely get your tushy in there. But there's just so many fun tools and so many fun learnings and just different things. And like I said, I love learning, so I'm in there and just eating it all up. God, I mean, I literally created this space, like, for myself. It's what I needed that I never had, so that's such a gift. And it's so beautiful to hear. Like, I love that I got to ask you questions. It's just so fun. And it's fun to see how you experience it, because when you create something, you're so close to it. So then to see how is it impacting you and what's your relationship like to the system and the process of it. And I'm so proud of you too, boo. Thank you for saying that. Thank you for having this space and, yeah, for especially keeping it open for those of us who lurk for a while. And then we're like, all right, I'm in. It's my honor. Let's keep rocking. Imagine where we'll be at ten years. Oh, my gosh. That's just wild. It's exciting. Just gotta keep it flowing. No, something I didn't know about your story is that all of this really kicked off when you were 31, and so I technically joined you when I was 32. Wow. So that's pretty cool to hear. I don't know where this sort of narrative comes from that, like, we're supposed to have all this stuff figured out really quickly. And of course, maybe some people do, most don't. So it's never too late. Like, we have women of all ages and eras in Mwmm, because it is never too late to do this work. It's never too late to learn this stuff. And it's also never too early. I wish I learned all of this earlier, but it's never too late. So I started when I was 31. And, like, I always say that, that line in the sand moment because I'll be 38 next year. And it's just like, I'm so proud of myself for, you know, taking the bull by the proverbial horns and just being like, I'm learning this. Like, I'm not going to just let this part of my life happen to me anymore. And that's lifelong because I'm still doing it and with other areas. And what do they say? Like, new level, new devil. So it's like, the higher you go, like, you gotta continue to learn how to fly and glide and allow, and it's an honor to have a space like this. And I feel like having a conversation. It's funny because unless I'm in a team meeting, it's not like I'm objectively talking about this membership very often. And obviously, when we sell it, it's more around the storytelling and, like, what's in it. But it's also fun to get to have the dual conversation of, like, how you experience it as a member and why I created it and why it exists and why it's so powerful. Because it's. It's a line in the sand moment. It's like, if you really want to change and you're ready to put in the work, it's here for you when you're ready. Yeah. And it can make some big waves. I'm finding it so interesting that as you're saying, some of the stuff about, like, money and finances and just like, it's never too early. It's never too late. You've got the roadmap. So many things are so similar with SEO, really. Like, it's never too early. It's never too late. I have the checklist that walks people through stuff. It's funny how so many topics can be like that, and they can be these big things that we're scared of and that we avoid. And then you get in there and you're like, oh, it doesn't have to be scary or complicated or confusing. Oh, my God. I feel like that's literally life lesson number three. There's other ones, but it's like, it's so important sometimes the thing that we're also resisting and we're afraid of is actually this simple process that if we're willing to just be courageous and move in the direction of what we want, like, we'll be met. Doesn't have to be scary. Yeah. This has been such a joy having you. Yay. Thanks, babe. Yeah, definitely let us know where we can go for mwmm. But, like, is there anything else you want to add? Or how can people get in your world and lurk, please. And pull, my God, lurk around. Let's go. So I'm on Instagram at Natalia underscore Benson. If you want to learn more about mwmm, it's just magicalwomen and and join the waitlist. If you join the wait list, we have a special 24 hours offer for you to jump in if you'd like to wait for one of our two enrollment opportunities. We have one coming up in late October. So I will be teaching a really, really special masterclass for anyone who just wants to get to know me and my work and how I approach finances and astrology and bring those things together. And yeah, well, have our final enrollment of 2024, which is really, really exciting. So if you're just like, yeah, it's freaking time and you're ready to step in and step up, then we're here for you and we'd love to have you. It's would be great. Brit. I know anyone in your space would be the perfect, perfect. So ready and just such a beautiful addition to such a special community that we've created. And we've created it all together. Yeah. Okay. Two questions that I just thought of because I'm sure it's going to be in someone's brain who is in the group because I do SEO and copywriting. But you also have like astrologers and other people like that in the group. So what's the makeup? And does everyone have a business? So I do like to say that MWMM is especially powerful for anyone who has a business. I've also been an entrepreneur more than I've ever had a job or I've only had one corporate job in my life. It lasted six months. So I really know how to speak and teach around entrepreneurship and business and how finances relate to that. However, if you are just, let's say that you're a mom and you just want to have a healthier relationship to your finances, you can get that in MWMM. If you just are in your career or you're in college or you're in later life and you just want to create a healthier relationship to money and you're on the more woo woo side of things, you'll love it. But I do teach and speak mainly to entrepreneurs. We have healers, astrologers, SEO queens, like major business owners, coaches, mentors. We have a really beautiful melange of women also at all levels of business. So I will say, especially if you're at the beginning, it's so good to get healthy habits instilled in your relationship to money from the jump. I wish I had done that. Yeah, same. And if you're deeper in your business, in a more experienced season of your entrepreneurial journey, but you've created some bad habits, or you just feel totally like you don't get your numbers, MWMM is for you. And that's really the gift of those six financial tools, is they are really available for every level of business owner, whether you're just starting or you're super seasoned and advanced. They're quite universal in that way. But we have the gamut in MwMm, which is just such a gift. But I will say it is really, really focused deeply for entrepreneurs. But anyone can get something out of it if they're willing to show up and do the work and move through the process. Yeah, totally. I could not agree more. I love that. Well, thank you for being with me. Thank you so much for this. This was such an honor to share about mwmmboo. So thank you. Yes, of course. Thank you for tuning in, and I'll catch you next time.

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